According to the 2024 Annual Patent Report issued by the Japan Patent Office (JPO), an AI-based prior image trademark search system (Image Search Tool) has been provided to examiners and has been in use since April 2023. Furthermore, in FY2023, the JPO conducted a technical validation to assess the feasibility of applying AI technology to prior word mark searches.
The FY2024 Revision of the JPO Action Plan for Utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology indicates that agile development process is currently underway to apply AI technology to examinations of designated goods and services. The use of AI and related technologies is expected to contribute to improving the quality of trademark examinations.
Under the current situation, AI-based examination tools are intended for use by the JPO examiners only, and no plan has been announced to make these tools publicly accessible.
2024 Annual Patent Report (Part 3, Chapter 3: Efforts in Trademarks)
(In Japanese)
FY2024 Revision of the JPO Action Plan for Utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI)
(In Japanese)